Nu-Humanity for a New Earth Forums Moe-Joe Cell about orgone energy and car kit fuel efficiency

  • about orgone energy and car kit fuel efficiency

  • Jung-Nam Park

    March 21, 2013 at 12:56 am

    Hello, 🙂

    I am curious about the orgone energy to increase fuel efficiency with Moe-Joe Cell Car Kit.

    What is orgone energy?
    I mean.. What is the definition of orgone energy?

    In case of Moe-Joe Cell,,
    What is the reason of increased fuel efficiency when we install the Moe-Joe Cell Car Kit on gasoline powered Vehicle?

    And also, when we install a Moe-Joe Cell, Is it better that we connect it near engine ? If so what is the reason to get higher fuel efficiency when we connect or inject it into tube near engine?

    Please let me know about these thing..

    Thank you very much~ 😆

  • Moshe Daniel

    March 23, 2013 at 9:13 pm

    Jung-Nam Park wrote:

    quote :

    Hello, 🙂

    I am curious about the orgone energy to increase fuel efficiency with Moe-Joe Cell Car Kit.

    What is orgone energy?
    I mean.. What is the definition of orgone energy?

    Hi Jung-Nam,

    check out this definition and do a little searching around on your own.
    Orgone is the basic universal life energy similar to Ki, Chi, Prana, from other cultures. the name was developed by Wilhelm Reich.

    Orgone Wiki

    quote :

    In case of Moe-Joe Cell,,
    What is the reason of increased fuel efficiency when we install the Moe-Joe Cell Car Kit on gasoline powered Vehicle?

    This is a good question, but rather large in the possible explanations.

    On my website,
    I propose this following explanation, but would love to hear from others what they believe is behind the fuel mileage improvement and enhanced engine performance using the moe-joe cell and joe cell.

    It is amazing and fascinating to understand that we are reproducing the very essence of the balanced positive nature of reality itself with the Moe-Joe cell. The inner female sphere is perfectly surrounded by the male. The magnetic fields created by the application of the electrical current is created at 90 degrees from the electrical field. But if we are applying the electricity to a sphere, then the resultant magnetic field is placed precisely where the sphere is… This means that we are essentially creating a MAGNET which is SPHERICAL in nature. The impact of this is tremendous on healing and free energy application, as the spherical magnet, with its magnetic neutral centre, which is the centre shared by both the male and the female spheres, has a neutral centre that is tapped into the Zero Point Field. This is very powerful to bring the consciousness of the human being and the planet at large back into the state of original balance from where we come. (See more on the Sphinx Sphere for an even further evolved Moe-Joe cell involving alchemical precious metals for optimizing the design of the Moe-Joe cell)

    Taking the Next STEP into the THEORETICAL IDEA of What Powers the Moe-Joe cell:

    The electricity that goes into the spheres (of the Moe-Joe cell) creates a magnetic field that surrounds the water that is inside the midst of the cell. The water, being diamagnetic, is surrounded and has to create a magnetic field in the \”opposite / repulsional\” direction. It cannot, since it is surrounded, so it \”implodes\” upon itself, and creates a field on the \”other side of reality.\” This to me, generates positronium electrons – or electrons on the \”other side\” – antimatter – which seeks the high ignition voltage spark in the piston instantaneously and merges with electrons there to create a big explosion of implosion or matter and antimatter annihilating each other.

    In the Moe-Joe kits , I have included the bismuth centre which enhances the diamagnetism of the centre greatly, and is a tremendous item to have there in the centre.

    quote :

    And also, when we install a Moe-Joe Cell, Is it better that we connect it near engine ? If so what is the reason to get higher fuel efficiency when we connect or inject it into tube near engine?

    Please let me know about these thing..

    yes, near the engine is good, but some distance from the alternator is important too.
    The tube focuses or concentrates the orgone / neutrinos / whatever is produced by the cell into the area which is where the magic happens.

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