Nu-Humanity for a New Earth Forums Alchemy Aurum Potabile

  • Aurum Potabile

     Moshe Daniel updated 13 years ago 2Members · 19 Posts
  • Nathaniel Morales

    November 15, 2011 at 8:26 pm

    Does anyone if its really dangerous to ingest the aurum potabile without any side affects like death?

  • Moshe Daniel

    November 15, 2011 at 8:45 pm

    Hi Nathaniel…

    So, with the aurum potabile, it is supposed to be very powerful, and used with caution. But, it should not be deadly. If it is deadly, it is not made correctly. So the question is – is it the true aurum potabile?

    Which method have you looked at for making the Aurum potabile?

  • Nathaniel Morales

    November 15, 2011 at 9:17 pm

    The golden carbuncle of the ancients from rodulf glauber. Its also in robert allen bartletts second book. You dissolve the gold in melted sal mirabile (sodium sulfate) and add a vegetable sulphur like charcoal, then extract with good spirit of wine and youll get a red extract. I was told that you can die or go insane.

  • Moshe Daniel

    November 15, 2011 at 9:20 pm

    That doesn\’t sound like the true Aurum potabile at all to me. That sounds like an archemist recipe for gold sulphate or something… I thought one of the paths to the aurum potabile came from making the Stone, but was not quite the fully evolved Stone. I\’ve read many things about it, but this doesn\’t seem like a true Aurum potabile to me.

  • Nathaniel Morales

    November 15, 2011 at 9:27 pm

    Oh darn. :ohmy:

    Was the picture you attached your aurum potabile?

  • Nathaniel Morales

    November 15, 2011 at 10:01 pm

    here i found this, its not about the aurum potabile
    its about the Mercury which we want.

    Read rogerc post. Sound similar to abraham the jews way to get the spirit.

  • Moshe Daniel

    November 15, 2011 at 10:24 pm
    quote :

    Was the picture you attached your aurum potabile?

    No. Not mine. Just a nice looking golden brew in a vial. 🙂

  • Moshe Daniel

    November 15, 2011 at 10:45 pm

    Nathaniel Morales wrote:

    quote :

    here i found this, its not about the aurum potabile
    its about the Mercury which we want.

    Read rogerc post. Sound similar to abraham the jews way to get the spirit.

    this is a very good discussion. Thank you!!!! for sharing it. I do love rogerc\’s post about 3/4s of the way down – the very long one – and yes, it is much like the book of Abraham the Jew – which discusses the mixing of two salts – of the air and of the earth.

    I also liked the comment above to be careful / mindful of some of the RAMS collection. Well, sheesh, studying ANY alchemy, one has to be mindful, very mindful, and also careful.

  • Nathaniel Morales

    November 15, 2011 at 11:23 pm

    The only thing about this is you have to use urine? Everyone heard about it, it makes the house stink. :S

  • Moshe Daniel

    November 15, 2011 at 11:26 pm

    Nathaniel Morales wrote:

    quote :

    The only thing about this is you have to use urine? Everyone heard about it, it makes the house stink. :S

    I like a process that doesn\’t require too much shopping. 😛

  • Nathaniel Morales

    November 15, 2011 at 11:43 pm

    So we will need unglazed clay pots. I will buy some a do this experiment. I think i would need to go on a diet to get good urine.

  • Moshe Daniel

    November 16, 2011 at 3:04 am

    Nathaniel Morales wrote:

    quote :

    So we will need unglazed clay pots. I will buy some a do this experiment. I think i would need to go on a diet to get good urine.

    That is an amazing experiment.
    I wonder which salt this would be considered…
    in r/t the book of Abraham the Jew.

  • Nathaniel Morales

    November 16, 2011 at 5:31 pm

    hmmm. I think limestone may be needed? I still need to read more.

  • Moshe Daniel

    November 16, 2011 at 9:14 pm

    next year, when the sun is in the Ram / Bull, we are starting this!!


    Better the bull cause the Ram tends to be still too cold for Our purposes.

    love to you Frater,

  • Nathaniel Morales

    November 16, 2011 at 11:19 pm

    yes , i think it needs to be done in spring. But we need to make our own pots using limestone or marlmud like the actual caves that is spoken of in the alchemyforums. that will be fun to do. :cheer:

  • Nathaniel Morales

    November 20, 2011 at 3:08 am

    Hey Moshe do you think this is a real potabile gold?

  • Moshe Daniel

    November 20, 2011 at 11:11 pm

    Hi there Nathaniel,
    I took a look at this and I really, again, do not think this is the Aurum Potabile. I may have an idealistic view of the Aurum Potabile, but this just seems to be fine gold dissolved in ether. NOT very spiritually elevated at all. Just a chemical formula, not much else.


  • Nathaniel Morales

    November 21, 2011 at 8:07 pm

    This is a real alkahest!

  • Moshe Daniel

    November 21, 2011 at 9:37 pm

    Wow. Yes, that does indeed look like it is \”melting\” the gold.

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