Nu-Humanity for a New Earth Forums Astrology The Full Moon Winter Solstice Eclipse

  • The Full Moon Winter Solstice Eclipse

  • Moshe Daniel

    December 21, 2010 at 1:38 am

    Dearest Friends,

    This event, at 1:30am on December 21st, 2010, is a massive and very special astrological event.

    Tonight, in addition to the Full moon happening right on the Winter Solstice, there will also be a lunar eclipse, the first time these two events have coincided since 1638 (372 years ago).

    Add to this very special fact that the sun is conjunct (at 29 degrees Sagittarius) with the Galactic Heart Center which is at 26Sag54. Now, at this time, also, Jupiter and Uranus are conjunct right around at the 27th degrees of Pisces – which is the point of unconditional love. The Moon is moving into fullness at the 29th degree of Gemini. The planet that rules Gemini, Mercury, at this celestial moment is EXACTLY conjunct the Galactic Heart Center at 26Sag54\’.Add to this the fact that Chiron and Neptune are conjunct at the 27th degree of Aquarius. Very special.

    This is a time for prayer, reflection, healing, and really releasing old patterns. It is a time to be out in the moonlight as the Earth comes in between the rays of the sun. This is an alchemical night of transformation.

    2 years from today is the BIG alignment of the Galactic Heart Centre with our Sun, Moon and the Pleiedes.
    This event tonight is a foreshadowing of the great time of change to come!

    Enjoy it!!

    Imagine is Now!


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