Nu-Humanity for a New Earth Forums Our Global Charging Sessions September 11th, 2011 1st Session – A GREAT SUCCESS

  • September 11th, 2011 1st Session – A GREAT SUCCESS

  • Moshe Daniel

    October 21, 2011 at 2:04 am

    Our first session went so well. Everyone was amazed at the tremendous love and healing energy we all felt.

    Here is The Main Page to Read About and Sign up for the Next Sessions

    You can also watch the session as it appeared (around 20 minutes into the session) – CLICK HERE to WATCH VIDEO of First Session

    If you were there, please report some of your feedback for our others users.

  • Arno waaijenberg

    October 23, 2011 at 5:44 pm

    Yess indeed Moshe,

    There was actually so much energy in the connection circle that the broadcasting from here had lots of technical problems.
    The computer crashed 6 times inside the field.
    Before this event and these months after this never happend again. Outside the room the computer worked just fine.
    People over here felt the energy. I already had the privalage to feel the building up of the field the days before. And can say this was a experience i never felt that strong.
    I had the same responses from my country. They never had felt such a strong connection. At the time Moshe was seeing dolphins the whole field lit up with a golden light.
    And so where reports from mexico where jorge sent us a picture from his field. He printed my field black and white. But at that moment the picture lit up. He made a picture of it and the picture became colours at differend places.

    At howards his clock stopped at the starting of the event. And more and more.

    Also report of someone who tells the story he experienced that day. The other persons can actually feel the field.

    The whole floor was vibrated up. walking with the feet into that field was a exciting experience.

    so a wonderfull experience and hopefully even more people will connect this time. Whe had about 40 last time. Lets light the roof with our love 😉
    And let everybody think of where they want to sent the lots of energy to. For healing what wants to be healed

    Hugs and love Arno

  • Theo Hooyer

    October 24, 2011 at 5:53 pm

    I had started a little earlier so when the session begun i was fully loaded 😉 and the joe cell as wel. At a piont in time i felt the cell verry strong. A huge beam went into mother Earth to the center to connect and a huge beam went into the sky. This energy spread over the world en connected to the grid! The energy from the cell spread away from the cell over the world as wel as it came down from the sky on all levels, 1d, 2d, 3d, etc! It was heart warming! It was a great event for me and for healing the world, the connection between my place and cell and the other cells was realy 1+1 = 3! or more!!
    Now i give my intentions to the field to keep it awake and strong.
    Thank jou everybody for giving and sharing!!

  • Svea Block

    October 24, 2011 at 10:50 pm

    The September 11th healing/meditation/joe cell/moe-joe cell charging session was the most powerful meditative/prayer session I have ever experienced! There was a lot of energy in the circle (that expanded all over the world). So much love was felt and experienced as well as healing.

    I also had a very interesting thing happen around the cell – when I put my hands over the field, it felt like the energy was shape-shifting beneath my hands. This was also felt by a few other people too! Very very powerful energy!

    I\’m really looking forward to future charging sessions with more people in attendance! Thanks to all who joined us and prayed/meditated/charged with us!

  • Moshe Daniel

    October 25, 2011 at 2:55 am

    What follows here is the most amazing discussion that was shared during the first Global Charging Session. This was written live via the group chat while we were all in the field, experiencing the love and the powerful healing of our connection Circle. I will never forget this feeling… how deep it was, how golden, how much LOVE there was, when the dolphins came and joined in, and many other special Beings / Angels, Masters.

    Here is the chat (if you\’d like your name hidden, let me know – but don\’t forget, this is still private, and only visible by other Nutopians)

    quote :

    Luc van der Lee from Netherlands: A very strong field
    Sel O from Holland: hi Tom, Frank and Moshe and Arno and All, i feel it also the force
    Luc van der Lee from Netherlands: It\’s all love
    theo hooijer from voorthuizen: it is joyfull to experiance the field, the power to heal us and to heal the world, our heart connection!
    dav from montreal: Hi every one. Moshe I thank you for taking time to get us all together. Peace and love DAV from Montreal
    theo hooijer from voorthuizen: It really touches my heart and soul, thank you all!
    Jorge Chavez from Toluca, Mexico: Incredible! no words can express this field
    Howard H from southern cal: Moshe – that was a great innvocation…G and I have a clock that frozen on \”1\”…really powerful field…3rd eye way open
    Frank Bonte from Netherlands: Thanks Moshe and Arno, thank you all sharing our love
    John Wilkerson from florida usa: john wilkerson….my cell has very active bubbles, I feel euphoric
    John Wilkerson from florida usa: it did today in a few minutes, what took hours of forgetting to remove the +in the past
    theo hooijer from voorthuizen: did the sun start shining also at jour place? it did here!
    Dan Bertea from Gatineau: Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful
    Frans Brockman from Coevorden: Hi all, just start joecell with first stone. source have earth leak. feel the love
    Dan Bertea from Gatineau: Imagine all the people…
    Ron Pugh from Canada: Sound and video working fine, my thanks to Moshe and Arno for this wonderful exchange
    Jorge Chavez from Toluca, Mexico: No words, only Joy, Joy and Joy
    Dan Bertea from Gatineau: we should meet here, weekly, more and more friends from all over the world
    Luc van der Lee from Netherlands: Thanks everyone..felt a lot of dirt disappeared from earth.
    Luc van der Lee from Netherlands: Felt a kind of oneness
    Dan Bertea from Gatineau: I will be with you , with your good fellings, day by day
    Dan Bertea from Gatineau: All the time !
    Sel O from Holland: Bea saw the God light shining around the Earth
    Frank Bonte from Netherlands: Just before this meeeting, I was at a Cropcircle meeting, so many things are happening now. Simultaniously. Hopefull.
    theo hooijer from voorthuizen: my bottle is full, i am signing out. THANK JOU ALL!
    Luc van der Lee from Netherlands: Again a lot of love.This is what the world needs
    theo hooijer from voorthuizen: thank you mother earh, thank you higher spirits, thank you all spirists of the word, thank you group!
    Luc van der Lee from Netherlands: Feel connected with the dolphins.
    Jorge Chavez from Toluca, Mexico: Thank you Moshe and Arno for inviting me, thank you everyone, Lots of Blessings and much love from Mexico
    Frans Brockman from Coevorden: Amazing sunset, the spring water no words
    Dan Bertea from Gatineau: Keep with you this connection forever !
    Luc van der Lee from Netherlands: Thank You All
    Dan Bertea from Gatineau: THANK YOU ALL
    Howard H from southern cal: Moshe and Arno thank you, great job…T
    Howard H from southern cal: Thank you everyone
    Sel O from Holland: Thank you all
    Pier Luigi from L: Beautyfull experience Thank you all
    Moshe Daniel: Thank you everyone!!!!!!
    Sel O from Holland: the time we stopped in holland is 20:12 hours, theank you to Moshe
    Moshe Daniel: you\’re very welcome
    Moshe Daniel: last minute goodbye everyone and thank you!!!
    Moshe Daniel: molto grazie tutti. merci beaucoup. Danka

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