• hamosh Gh

    May 22, 2012 at 5:26 pm

    Please give the answer to my questions?
    I made the cell by a plastic jar and use Katejrebh aluminum wire and use the water fountains of the villages, and then use the constant voltage from 8.2 volts and 600 mA, but it did not work well
    Do I have to add other material to the cell?
    Can I use a car battery and how much must be amp?
    Thank you very much.

  • Moshe Daniel

    May 24, 2012 at 3:31 am

    hamosh Gh wrote:

    quote :

    Please give the answer to my questions?
    I made the cell by a plastic jar and use Katejrebh aluminum wire and use the water fountains of the villages, and then use the constant voltage from 8.2 volts and 600 mA, but it did not work well
    Do I have to add other material to the cell?
    Can I use a car battery and how much must be amp?
    Thank you very much.

    Hi Hamosh,

    Plastic jar is not a good idea. Use glass.
    I also don\’t like to use aluminum wire to conduct the electricity.

    How did you get such high current (600mA) with so low a voltage? Are you adding electrolyte?

    Can you please send a picture of your setup.

    when you say it did not work well… how are you \”measuring\” how well it is working?

  • hamosh Gh

    May 24, 2012 at 1:01 pm

    This cell created by
    Thank you very much.


  • Moshe Daniel

    May 24, 2012 at 11:41 pm

    hi there Hamosh.

    what is that thing? ha ha.

    what do you intend on doing with it?

    by the way, this is not a moe-joe cell, so i am moving this thread to another location – in alternative energy.

  • hamosh Gh

    June 6, 2013 at 7:32 pm

    Hi Daniel:

    I want to work in this cell
    First and then use the Joe cell.
    I want to use the method in this section:
    Music Video:

    I used (12) V
    And (5) Ampere.
    Did not give any result.

    I want to know how the intensity of the current, which will enter into the cell?
    How many ampere

  • Moshe Daniel

    June 16, 2013 at 3:41 pm

    Hi there Hamosh.

    Sorry for the delay in answering you.
    I did not see any video attached.
    Can you please rephrase your questions, so I can understand and answer?

    Maybe you can write in your native tongue, and I will use google translator.
    Just tell me which is your language.

  • Scott Schroeder

    August 15, 2014 at 6:59 pm

    Sorry to break in but had a question. I\’ll preface this with, I\’m the guy trying to supplement fuel for a 2 stroke outboard. After looking at all of the videos, it looks like the original joe was going after implosion energy. Looking at the videos as of late, I don\’t see any mention of the way of doing things. Is anyone trying that with your kit? If so, what are the results? I am working on it. I\’m dealing with the timing buy cutting a new key way to set the timing just after bottom dead center. The oil issue is only solve with direct gear oil pumps. They start on about 50 hp and above. I\’m working on a single cyl gen. now but still need to get the key way cut. Has anyone gone further in this direction?
    Thanks, Scotty

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