• Moray/ Tesla with Moe-Joe Cell


    February 7, 2011 at 3:54 am

    Here is a video showing a \”Earth Battery\” producing 21 mA and running a small motor. If we use the correct materials with the right soil in between the plates of the Moe-Joe cell, I think we could harness a lot of energy from the electrical chemical posses.

    Now if that is under the ground, might as well put an antenna up to capture the radiant energy that is all around us. Over 350 kV in our magnetosphere alone! All that we need to do is use a \”Tree style\” energy system.

    Also, use a reversed Tesla coil, Bedini circuit, Joule Thief, ect.

    A truly rev. idea of using lens law to make regenerative braking accelerate the rotor rather than slow it down when under load.

    All very great stuff, just need some help with finding the correct electrolyte(minerals and bionic factors) and getting the correct circuitry.

    Some schematics for Moray\’s energy device.

  • Moshe Daniel

    February 8, 2011 at 4:43 am

    ANDREW MURRAY wrote:

    quote :

    Here is a video showing a \”Earth Battery\” producing 21 mA and running a small motor. If we use the correct materials with the right soil in between the plates of the Moe-Joe cell, I think we could harness a lot of energy from the electrical chemical posses.

    Now if that is under the ground, might as well put an antenna up to capture the radiant energy that is all around us. Over 350 kV in our magnetosphere alone! All that we need to do is use a \”Tree style\” energy system.

    I love that and I agree with you – if you climbed way up on the house and put a big antenna up there, or a big sheet of stainless steel or possibly aluminum covered in a layer of plastic / acrylic, you\’d have a really nice positive antenna, and may pull more from the atmosphere.
    but there, you\’d need to use a capacitor, i believe.

    quote :

    A truly rev. idea of using lens law to make regenerative braking accelerate the rotor rather than slow it down when under load.

    interesting. i will have to study this further. thanks for sharing all of this with us.

    quote :

    All very great stuff, just need some help with finding the correct electrolyte(minerals and bionic factors) and getting the correct circuitry.

    a friend of mine has had some experience and witnessed another sort of earth battery – made from certain materials. i\’ll see if I can get some details.

    thanks and lots of love,

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