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  • Moe-Joe Cell installed on a home generator

     Moshe Daniel updated 6 years, 2 months ago 1Member · 2 Posts
  • george kouns

    November 24, 2018 at 6:11 pm

    Installing a Moe Joe Cell on a backup residential generator, is the positive pole of the Cell connected to a \”D\” cell battery or a car battery and to the metal of the engine at the same time during the engine block charging process? Does the water charging to stage 3 have to be done in a glass container or will a plastic bucket serve as well? I am having a problem getting to stage 3 with the water charging in a plastic bucket 3 minutes every 6 hours for a week and 4 water filterings to remove scum, the cell is still not holding a charge but the water is the color of weak tea. I have a 1 cylinder 10 HP engine I cannot change the timing to 70% before top dead center. Will the Moe-Joe cell still operate it with protons as fuel?

  • Moshe Daniel

    November 26, 2018 at 1:00 am

    george kouns wrote:

    quote :

    Installing a Moe Joe Cell on a backup residential generator, is the positive pole of the Cell connected to a \”D\” cell battery or a car battery and to the metal of the engine at the same time during the engine block charging process?

    I am not too familiar with generators, in terms of how the engine block is connected – to positive or negative of the car battery?
    So, for a car, your negative is connected to the chassis. The positive is only connected for charging and not normally during engine operation. Disconnect it when running the engine.
    You can have the D-cell connected at all times across the cell. +ve to 1.5\” inch bolt (connected to outer 5\” cell) and -ve to the long central bolt which goes to 2\” inner cell.
    but please note, I have also experimented with the outer 5\” cell being connected to the car chassis and long central bolt to the +ve of the car battery. It is just much more solid a construction when the negative bolt goes right through to the chassis.

    If you can figure out what the engine block is connected to (ie which pole of the battery) then just make sure to keep the other part of the cell isolated from that.

    quote :

    Does the water charging to stage 3 have to be done in a glass container or will a plastic bucket serve as well?

    plastic is not as good, but can be used if you don\’t have the other setup.
    I find the nice \”fishbowl\” or cookie looking jars at Target work great.
    If you have a nice diamond drill bit, (same diameter as bolt = 3/16\”) you can make a hole and put the bolt through the bottom and bottom charge. works nicely.

    quote :

    I am having a problem getting to stage 3 with the water charging in a plastic bucket 3 minutes every 6 hours for a week and 4 water filterings to remove scum, the cell is still not holding a charge but the water is the color of weak tea. I have a 1 cylinder 10 HP engine I cannot change the timing to 70% before top dead center. Will the Moe-Joe cell still operate it with protons as fuel?

    Ok a few things here to address. First of all, I don\’t think it is protons that the moe joe cell provides. more like neutrinos, or some form of gas before Hydrogen or perhaps HHO.
    I am still not 100% sure about that.
    Another thing is that Stage 3 might be overrated.
    If you do want to get stage 3 results, then try Bernie Heere\’s \”water cooking method.\”

    Basically, you charge the heck out of your water for a few minutes – and i mean, full voltage, running like 2-3 amps. Please careful!!! That\’s high voltage and current.
    Get the water HOT! Even close to boiling. Then unplug everything. let the water cool and filter. you get a lot of the impurities out this way and I found, whenever I\’d do that, that the water would go easily to stage 3 after that.

    Some folks use lower voltage with KCl (potassium chloride salt) to increase current to 1amp.
    this may be a secret. I\’ve played with it in the lab but not on an engine.
    However, this way, you can achieve 1 amp current even with the 12 volt car battery.

    if you begin hearing some weird timing, then you might have to adjust timing.
    however, if you cannot, you\’ll just have to make do…
    i do hope you can thin the fuel mixture though… to squeeze out more and more fuel until operating at optimal ratio of moe-joe cell fuel with regular fuel.
    let me know how this goes.

    blessings and Godspeed,

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