Nu-Humanity for a New Earth Forums Alchemy Inner Alchemy/ Laboratory Alchemy

  • Inner Alchemy/ Laboratory Alchemy

     Fernando Silva updated 6 years, 9 months ago 3Members · 13 Posts
  • Nathaniel Morales

    October 28, 2012 at 2:23 pm

    Hi Moshe, and everyone,

    What would Inner alchemy have to do with Laboratory alchemy?
    Say if someone understood natures proccess and the elements,
    male female, and condensation of spiritus mundi in the physical world,
    what would this have to do with the inside of the alchemist?

  • Moshe Daniel

    October 28, 2012 at 6:08 pm

    Nathaniel Morales wrote:

    quote :

    Hi Moshe, and everyone,
    What would Inner alchemy have to do with Laboratory alchemy?

    Hi Nathaniel,

    For a true alchemist, (ie – not an archemist), the inner alchemy is a reflection of the lab alchemy. Or rather, the lab alchemy becomes a reflection of the inner alchemy. The ultimate goal for an alchemist is the liberation from this world of duality and slavery. The lab alchemy is a means to an end.
    One\’s understanding of the Nature of the Universe progresses because of the inner alchemy. this, then, is applicable in the lab. Then with the progress of understanding, the lab work improves, which helps transform the consciousness of the alchemist, which then enables him/her to reach greater degrees in the lab, and so on and so forth goes the process until the alchemist arrives at the True Stone and the true universal medicine. (of course, there are also levels beyond this as well… it doesn\’t end at the Stone, but it surely is a great milestone.

    quote :

    Say if someone understood natures proccess and the elements,
    male female, and condensation of spiritus mundi in the physical world,
    what would this have to do with the inside of the alchemist?

    It is more that an understanding of the inner alchemy would then allow the alchemist to grasp the mysteries of male-female and spiritus mundi.

  • Nathaniel Morales

    November 10, 2012 at 2:11 am

    Ok Moshe,

    I found this on an old alchemyforum site, im quoting Green Lion,
    Hello with all.

    I have a little followed this discussion and I must say that it confirms some from my points of view.
    It is noticed that very few contemporary alchemists further go than the practice from the laboratory. They do not work on themselves and thus do not have a raised spiritual level. It thus miss them during “theurgic” of Trivium Hermeticum.

    I appreciate the work of NDC because it has the merit to give in light its protocols, which is very rare. For that it deserves the respect. Moreover, I think that to judge its vision of alchemy without to have applied its protocols is to show a lack of maturity. On the other hand, I am disappointed of his arrogant behaviour.

    Carabric, you have a good book culture of alchemy. You analyzed the texts well. But you have one of the great defects which one finds in the French alchemists: a too large pride to accept that your vision of alchemy is not inevitably the good, only and single valid.
    I think that one of the most important qualities of the alchemist must be humility. Especially if it is thought that only God gives the grace allowing to make a success of the Philosopher\’s Stone. And to start, this humility must appear in acceptance owing to the fact that we do not have the Truth concerning alchemy as long as we do not have the Philosopher\’s Stone.

    I would like to know what you think about the highlighted blue color,
    If we dont know the truth of the philosophers stone then we wont have the PS? ok.,…So if God only gives the PS then why would there be a stone of the devil?i\’m not sure if im wording this question right. i\’ll edit it later.

  • Moshe Daniel

    November 10, 2012 at 9:20 pm

    Nathaniel Morales wrote:

    quote :

    Ok Moshe,

    I found this on an old alchemyforum site, im quoting Green Lion,

    we do not have the Truth concerning alchemy as long as we do not have the Philosopher\’s Stone.[/color]

    I would like to know what you think about the highlighted blue color,
    If we dont know the truth of the philosophers stone then we wont have the PS? ok.,…So if God only gives the PS then why would there be a stone of the devil?i\’m not sure if im wording this question right. i\’ll edit it later.

    Hi Nathaniel,

    I do agree that the Philosopher\’s Stone must impact, via the most profound healing and transformation from the Universal Medicine one can make with it, the alchemist to then have true knowledge of what the Philosopher\’s Stone truly is. It\’s like arriving at a location on Earth to then discover how to get there. Whereas, I also see the journey of creating the PS about taking steps of continual opening and improvement – where one\’s Lab productions continue to improve which continues to transform and heal the alchemist who then makes greater medicines in the lab, and so on and so forth, until Adept-hood is achieved.

    There is no such thing as a stone of the devil, only a stone of God that is corrupted by the alignment of energies with evil / desire for power / greed, all energies certainly aligned with the devil. The Philosopher\’s Stone, being a Stone that banishes evil, cannot be created by or for the devil, only can God\’s Stone be corrupted by evil, which would only serve to diminish it and render it a vile thing and not much like it\’s true nature, but still perhaps with some power of transmutation or longevity, but not spiritual purification and openness of Heart.

  • Nathaniel Morales

    November 11, 2012 at 12:17 am

    Ok. So if in alchemy they would usually talk about secret fire / spiritus mundi which is made by union of both polarities, how does that work for inner alchemy? We\’re not talking about kundalini yoga stuff…so what exactly is inner alchemy?

  • Moshe Daniel

    November 11, 2012 at 2:50 am

    Nathaniel Morales wrote:

    quote :

    Ok. So if in alchemy they would usually talk about secret fire / spiritus mundi which is made by union of both polarities, how does that work for inner alchemy? We\’re not talking about kundalini yoga stuff…so what exactly is inner alchemy?

    For starters, I do not think that secret fire is the same as spiritus mundi. perhaps you weren\’t implying that.

    Inner alchemy is the same process as what you described –
    union of both polarities, and letting go / transforming / calcining away all thoughts, and energies and behaviours that get in the way of total union and harmony between the inner sol and luna or male and female.

  • Nathaniel Morales

    November 11, 2012 at 5:04 pm

    Is secret fire just nitre then?

    So what would happen to that person who is able to do the inner alchemy, would they be considered to be
    enlightened? As in being love? Also how would someone know if they are ready to make the PS by following those principles of male and female? How would they think?

    Some questions pop in my head then just disappear.

  • Moshe Daniel

    November 12, 2012 at 3:37 pm

    Nathaniel Morales wrote:

    quote :

    Is secret fire just nitre then?

    Nitre is involved in an aspect of secret fire.
    There is more to secret fire than just nitre.

    quote :

    So what would happen to that person who is able to do the inner alchemy, would they be considered to be enlightened? As in being love?

    everyone is able to do inner alchemy. it doesn\’t make one enlightened.
    When one has mastered the balance of sol and luna, then perhaps, they are enlightened, and yes, BEING love is a most high state of enlightenment.

    quote :

    Also how would someone know if they are ready to make the PS by following those principles of male and female? How would they think?

    I am not sure i understand the question.

  • Nathaniel Morales

    November 14, 2012 at 3:43 am

    This is response to the question you did not understand.
    What I was trying to ask was, if someone reads the alchemical book of Abraham the Jew and they understand its meaning and symbols, and they are going to do the work, if God is the one who gives the stone how would the alchemist know if he is ready to do the work to completion and have success if he ask God to allow him to do it? Does he just have to do the work?

  • Fernando Silva

    March 8, 2018 at 5:02 am

    I notice the Inner Alchemy is a kind of Inner Revolution (or transformation). Is that One that Krishnamurti taught in his books, videos, etc.?

  • Moshe Daniel

    March 8, 2018 at 1:17 pm

    hi Fernando,
    I am not at all familiar with Krishnamurti\’s writings. Could you share a few details of his work that you think might relate to inner alchemy, so we can get a better idea?

  • Fernando Silva

    March 16, 2018 at 9:48 pm

    Hello Moshe Daniel! Thank you for the answer and attention!
    I am going to try to show you some links on Krishnamurti that I think he teaches te same Inner alchemy you say. Here there are some links,

    I am looking forward to your answer. Thank you very much.

  • Fernando Silva

    May 17, 2018 at 5:32 pm

    What happened? Thanks

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