Nu-Humanity for a New Earth Forums Moe-Joe Cell drinking moe-joe water for healing

  • drinking moe-joe water for healing

  • grand mother

    March 14, 2014 at 3:35 pm

    Has anyone drank the charged moe-Joe water for health and healing??? I am an older SICK woman looking to get my health back. Doctors have no idea what is wrong with me and delight in sending me specialist after idiotic specialist. No one knows what is wrong. Has anyone drank the water from a Moe- Joe ???

  • Moshe Daniel

    March 15, 2014 at 7:38 am

    Dear Grand Mother,

    Medical doctors cannot help you very much with chronic problems.
    I have drank moe-joe cell water and it is highly charged and can help boost your vitality, but a more individualized, holistic approach is more indicated for each person -ie to get to the root of the problem.
    Please check out my website here for a deeper understanding of Holistic health and healing vs conventional medical allopathic and suppressive approach.

    Yours in healing
    Dr. Moshe

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