Nu-Humanity for a New Earth › Forums › Moe-Joe Cell › Charging water periods
Hi everybody! Recently I got my Moe-Joe cell, put all parts together and start charging the water.
Instead of VARIAK I used a light dimmer (for $9) 80-400 W. I set 80 Volt on the cell, the current was 0.4 Amper. Everything worked as Mosh described – a lot of bubbles. After 6 time of charging for 3 minutes I filtered the water. My question – what the reason to wait for the next day to continue the charge. Is that necessary to give water a rest? Mosh, I\’d like to know your explanation. Also, how did you come to knowledge of charging 4-6 times a day for 3 minutes? Why not 10 times for 10 minutes for example? 🙂
Svetomir Beekeeper wrote:
quote :Hi everybody! Recently I got my Moe-Joe cell, put all parts together and start charging the water.Instead of VARIAK I used a light dimmer (for $9) 80-400 W. I set 80 Volt on the cell, the current was 0.4 Amper. Everything worked as Mosh described – a lot of bubbles.
Good for you Svetomir!
This is a good sign.
Now, remember, we are using lower voltages these days. Lately, I only use 12-24V max, with a very low current.However, using the higher voltages will give you more bubbles! Sometimes, in beginning, it\’s nice to see that. It inspires a sense that something is really happening. But with time, and especially when you\’re sensitive to the energies of the moe-joe cell, you\’ll be able to do use less current, to not see any bubbles at all, and to still know you have a very powerful water you\’re preparing.
Svetomir Beekeeper wrote:
quote :After 6 time of charging for 3 minutes I filtered the water. My question – what the reason to wait for the next day to continue the charge. Is that necessary to give water a rest? Mosh, I\’d like to know your explanation. Also, how did you come to knowledge of charging 4-6 times a day for 3 minutes? Why not 10 times for 10 minutes for example? 🙂this is not an exact science. I think you can charge 1000 times per day for 10 seconds each time, for example. How did I arrive? Through some experimenting. But I have not tried everything and it is just a suggestion. I like to give the water a rest, because it is alive, and the sun goes up, but then it sets too…
Thank you Moshe!
Will continue experiment.:)
P.S. I uploaded a picture but didn\’t see it after post submition.
there is some image size restriction and big images doesn\’t upload. I would be good to know what is the size limit for image upload.
Good point. I\’ll look into that and get back to you on it. And will post it in a general category for help to others.
Hi Svetomir,
I just noticed your picture –
and there is one problem with your setup which I can see-You have to INSULATE the stainless steel bolt which is coming up out from the bismuth core – ie – the threaded bolt which carries the negative electricity.
if you don\’t, your cell is going to be forming a lot, in fact, the most concentrated current right at the top where that negative threaded bolt is exposed to the water, because this is the closest channel between the +ve and -ve electricity.
Do you understand? -
Okay – I see you found the way to post the picture! Great!
The size limit was set to 500KBs, but I have just increased it to 1Meg.
Hi ! I do not understand : from where to where one should insulate the bolt ? Does it mean that the stainless steel from the bismuth core should not be exposed to the water at all ?
Richard von Raffay wrote:
quote :Hi ! I do not understand : from where to where one should insulate the bolt ? Does it mean that the stainless steel from the bismuth core should not be exposed to the water at all ?hi Richard, good question.
the stainless steel bolt from the bismuth core should only be exposed to the water in the very inside of the moe-joe cell. there should be no contact with the water on the outside of the cell. i have used shrink wrap to prevent this from happening. but there are other ways too!Look in this video to see how the bolt coming out is insulated at the top (it\’s a very old video – but it does illustrate a good insulation and a VERY high surface tension.
I am preparing some water and using currently recommended charging times, I believe. 6 times/day, 3 minutes/charging session, using ~1 amp (+-100ma).
How\’s the whole process feeling?
Do you sense an increase in the energy of the water?
Well, I am getting a good feeling from the process, maybe a smaller sense of energy from the water. I am more going on physical indicators that the water is progressing to the stage that I can transfer it to my vehicle. The physical indicators that I have seen in the videos. I will keep charging it until I feel I can transfer it to my other cell.
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