Nu-Humanity for a New Earth Forums Eco-Friendly Alternative Green Building Buildings that can withstand massive storms

  • Buildings that can withstand massive storms

  • Joachim Boettger

    November 21, 2011 at 2:43 am

    Hello ,

    I stumbled across these buildings in a Project Camelot Interview with George Green, where he introduces the idea of ever faster getting storms,that are generated by the HAARP Systems. And how to build houses in a relative cheap way that can withstand these storms,they intend to start upon us.

    ca. min 9:00

    He says they are built by pumping up a circular balloon,which is then layered with concrete and then there is a layer of foam for insulation purposes put on the inside of it. He mentions problems with the air exchange….I suppose they solved it by some sort of ventilators. A solution without any needs of electricity or power would be more preferable, since the purpose of these buildings is to make a survival possible in rough conditions,that include total collapse of the power fascilities/grids.

    This way of building is indeed very cheap and I would like to know how it is done in detail.


  • Moshe Daniel

    November 21, 2011 at 4:55 am

    That is amazing… Wow. I love these low cost and very interesting designs. I will ask my friend Tophur, who is a great innovative green builder, if he has heard of this. He is a Nutopian here.

  • Christopher Gardner

    November 21, 2011 at 11:38 pm

    I have researched these buildings quite a bit. They were my introduction to domes in the 80\’s. We are working on how to build these without the need for the balloon. I have built two geodesic domes from split bamboo and we can apply a sheathing called concrete canvas for a incredibly strong and inexpensive building. We can also build vaults in the same way.

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